

Warning: There are 3 deadlines for this project, and some deadlines require you to submit multiple deliverables. Please double-check that you submitted everything!
Assignment Tasks Deliverable Points Due Date
Team Formation - Task 0: Partnerships Pre-Project Google Form 5 Mon, Nov 11
11:59pm PT
Project 3A - Task 1: Setup
- Task 2: World Generation
World Screenshots on Gradescope 10 Mon, Nov 18
11:59pm PT
Mid-Project Google Form 5
Project 3B - Task 3: Main Menu
- Task 4: Interactivity
- Task 5: Saving and Loading
- Task 6: Ambition Features
Code on Gradescope
(0 pts, but required for checkoff)
0 Tue, Nov 26
11:59pm PT
Live Checkoff with TA
(Checkoffs will happen Dec 2–6)
Post-Project Google Form 5
To request extensions on Project 3, both partners need to submit separate extension requests on Beacon.

Task 1: Setup

Warning: You need to accept your Github repo invite by November 20th, or else it will expire, and you will not be able to work on the project.

Warning: The setup for this project is different from all other assignments so far. Read this carefully and do not skip any steps!

  1. Go to your email and accept the Github repo invite.

    Github repo invite email.

  2. Log in to Beacon, and click on the “Groups” tab. You should have a group listed here.

  3. Click the “View Repository on GitHub” link.

  4. Click “SSH” and copy the link that appears. It should look like this, with *** replaced with some group number:***.git

    Copy SSH link.

  5. Open a new terminal window in your local computer.

  6. Use cd to navigate to your CS 61B folder. Most students have a folder called cs61b.

    Warning: Do not navigate to your personal fa24-s*** repo! You should not be cloning your group repo inside your personal one.

  7. Type pwd in your terminal. This will output the current directory you are in.

    Make sure you do not see fa24-s*** in the output! If you do, go back to Step 6.

    pwd should not display your fa24-s*** personal repo.

  8. In your terminal, clone your repo, replacing the URL with the one you copied earlier:

    git clone***.git

  9. Navigate into the repo you just cloned:

    cd fa24-proj3-g***

  10. Tell Github where to find the skeleton repo:

    git remote add skeleton

  11. Pull the skeleton code:

    git pull skeleton main --allow-unrelated-histories

Once you’ve completed the above steps, you should see your new group repo called fa24-proj3-g*** in your local files, and if you open this repo, you’ll see the proj3 skeleton folder. From here, you and your partner can proceed as normal, by adding, committing, pushing, and pulling from this repo as you would otherwise.